God Is Forever Working

Just wanted to start off this post here with first praising the Almighty God of my life: Jesus, God, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, Yahweh, Abba Father, and most importantly the Holy Spirit along with so many names I can call him.


I’ve learned that in my worship and trusting in Him, He will utilize anyone especially myself to do what He needs to be done. Understanding my purpose even more and more everyday of this past year, I can admit that I had a few “Now it makes sense” moments. When I was reflecting on my journey of being a Kingdom Creative for over 7 years and tapping into my talents over 10 years now, one thing that I always kept in mind is to look at the smaller pieces which make up the bigger picture. Never give up on what you’re passionate about. Yes things may get in the way, it’s up to you to make the time for it. Trust me when I say that my God is forever working.

I felt like I need to drop this word of encouragement for anyone who comes across this blog post and also wanted to share a song that might help you as it helped me in this moment

Hopefully you enjoy this song here because God is certainly a way maker!