Isabella Boateng February 26, 2018 Blogger's Notes Words of Encouragement Isabella Boateng February 26, 2018 Blogger's Notes Monday, February 26, 2018: Never let anyone write your wrongs & rights. For there are always secret opportunities in every failure. The decision is if you going to take the time to learn or let it all go. I used to be a person that took things extremely serious from my work to my personal life. Not saying it was a bad thing but I want to acknowledge how hard it hit me when I failed at something. I had to take steps in reflecting in what I did wrong and how I could improve for the future. That’s exactly what I did in order for me to get to where I am now. Never let any secret opportunities get pass me. Always ready to learn from failures along with successes! ___________________________________________ #TruthByBella #lifestyleblogger #njblogger #nycblogger #lifequotes #secretopportunities #motivationmonday #decisions #bloggersconnect #writer A post shared by Truth By Bella 📷📝 (@truthbybella) on Feb 26, 2018 at 4:02pm PST