Hello Truth Talk

Welcome Back to Truth By Bella, 

 I hope you're updated on the Good News! Please check out the post before this if you haven't seen. If not, I'll fill you in on what's been happening with Truth By Bella and give you an update.

In March, I started my Truth By Bella podcast which I call Truth By Bella's Truth Talk.

I am truly proud to announce that it could be heard worldwide on 10 DIFFERENT PLATFORMS NOW!

The platforms that my podcast has been on grew from 3 platforms to 9 platforms in matters of weeks.

I'm honestly thankful to God and proud of myself for finally saying "YES" and letting God led the way!

 I've been so filled with excitement and joy. I did wait on announcing on about my podcast to the world because I wanted to make sure I was moving in the right direction and being obedient to the Holy Spirit before rushing ahead of what was planned. 

I have received nothing but positive feedback on my episodes especially my last two recent ones which are titled "Pushing The Wheel" and "Choosing Purpose Over Preferences". 

If you haven't heard it yet, don't worry there’s time for you to head over Spotify Podcast section or Apple Podcast app (It’s totally free to download the purple app if you don’t have it)

Check It Out & Let Me Know What You Think

Thank you for your time,


Listen Up, Good News!

Hey everyone! 👋🏾

Guess the cat’s out of the bag with this one here 😂


I’m so excited because I could finally share with the world that my podcast on Podcasts, Pocket Casts & Anchor App 🎉 
It’s under Truth By Bella of course but it’s truly called Truth Talk! 👀

I’ve already dive into some topics that a lot of people need to hear on. 
Started this podcast a few months back but I chose to wait on the time to share it. I’m glad I did it in the time that I did 💕 
Hope you enjoy listening to my podcast!

Prayer Exposes Hooks!

Hey everyone 👋🏾 Today, I saw this post below from @jerryflowers.jr down my Facebook & Instagram feed and felt it in my spirit that I need to share with everyone that’s on my IG & Facebook feed:


“If not careful, You can be so excited that a decent man finally approached you, a decent job opportunity was offered, or a decent woman came into the room and due to your excitement you won't be able to see or discern that God didn't send this... Believe it or not, EVERY OPEN DOOR isn't a God door and every self proclaimed good man, good woman or godly man or godly woman aren't godly at all (can I please get a witness)!!!! Some opportunities are really TRAPS playing dress up, and some people are really PAWNS NOT PURPOSE, this is why I believe we are told, in Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him (God), and He will direct your paths" See we see the man/woman, but God sees the hook, so you're calling it Bae but God is calling it Bait!!! Don't bite that, I didn't send that, there's a hook in it! Prayer exposes hooks.” ✨ 🗣 

This post speaks VOLUME! A lot of us are guilty of accepting what/who comes into our lives without praying or even discerning because we’re so excited and believe that it’s automatically God sent. Sometimes we don’t even realize that opportunities or people that comes into our lives at times may be trapping us from moving forward in where God wants us to be. 
I’m Asking Everyone That Is A Believer of Christ To Please Keep Your Eyes Open 👀 Twice As Wide As You Speak & Post On Social Media! Always Remember Prayer Exposes Hooks! 🙏🏾
#truthbybella #redefinedtv #theflowers#prayerexposeshooks

Words of Encouragement